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December 4, 2016 / Irene2468

Amelia Parkes wins award at the XIV International Olympiada of Russian Language in Moscow

Amelia Parkes was selected as one of five participants to represent the United States at the XIV International Olympiada of Russian Language (XIV МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ ОЛИМПИАДА ПО РУССКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ). The competition was held in Moscow in November, 2016. She received third place for her speech (конкурс ораторов). Congratulations, Amelia!

Coverage of the event in Russia included this report from Russian television (Amelia does not appear in the video) and the Pushkin Institute.

Earlier this year, Amelia received an ACTR Russian Scholar Laureate Award for 2016. The award recognizes a sophomore or junior at the high school level for outstanding Russian scholarship. This year’s recipients are listed in the ACTR fall newsletter starting on page 9.